What is the breaking strength of the leader braid?
Choosing the right braid for a carp rig is a crucial aspect that affects not only the effectiveness of playing the carp but also the proper presentation of our bait. Selecting the appropriate braid depends on many factors, including the conditions we will be fishing in and personal preferences. In the following article, we will discuss why the strength of the braid is important and how to properly choose it.
Braid is a popular choice among carp anglers for its strength and low stretch. Some anglers also value it for its low visibility in water. A wide selection of colors and structures allows us to perfectly match the braid to the bottom color, making our rig virtually invisible to the carp. The strength of the braid is mostly expressed in pounds and can range from 15lb to even 80lb.
The choice of the right "thickness" depends on several key factors:
- Fishing conditions - when fishing in snaggy waters or thick vegetation, it is recommended to use a thicker braid, which will be more resistant to abrasion against underwater obstacles. In this case, use braids with a minimum strength of 35lb. In open waters with less risk of the leader abrasion, we can successfully use a 25lb or even a 15lb braid.
- The feeding behavior of carp - a neutrally balanced bait presented on a thinner braid appears very natural and will not spook even the most cautious carp. Therefore, when trying to catch cautiously feeding carp on a soft silty bottom or on a bed covered with vegetation, always choose silky soft, slow-sinking braids. In such cases, remember that this type of braid is less abrasion-resistant. However, in waters with silty bottoms and soft undergrowth, the risk of abrasion is significantly lower than in gravel pits or among hard snags.
- Personal preferences - ultimately, the choice of braid strength depends on the personal preference of the carp angler. Some prefer a stronger braid for a greater sense of security, while others choose a thinner braid for fear that clever carp will sense a thicker material and avoid our terminal rig.
Remember that a very important part of your carp fishing gear is the terminal rigs. They are largely responsible for the presentation of the bait and whether the carp will take an interest in it.