Bivouac Equipment » Water Canisters

RidgeMonkey Heavy Duty Water Carrier 2.5L
2.5-liter canister

Trakker Icon Water Carrier
Water Canister

RidgeMonkey SpeedFlo Heavy Duty Water Carrier 5 L
5-liter canister with a tap

RidgeMonkey SpeedFlo Heavy Duty Water Carrier 10L
10-liter canister with a tap
Lack of direct access to clean water is one of the biggest hassles and challenges associated with camping. It complicates basic hygiene activities and forces the necessity to make sufficiently large supplies of drinking water. A solution to this problem are water canisters, which allow for storage of even several dozen liters of water. Our store offers containers of various capacities and shapes, including models with an easy-to-use, convenient tap, as well as canisters for drinking water.
Functional Plastic Water Canisters
Preparing for a few days away by the water, you should stock up in advance on equipment such as water canisters. They will enable you to prepare meals, wash yourself, clean dishes, or even just wash your hands. The plastic water canisters we offer are made of a durable, sturdy material with a dark color that easily heats up when exposed to sunlight. They allow for easy filling, are handy, lightweight, and come in various sizes. We invite you to explore our range.