Lines, Braids » Fluorocarbon

Fox Fluorocarbon Fused Leader 30lb
Protective Material for the Set

UnderCarp Fluorocarbon

Fox Illusion Soft Fluorocarbon
Soft fluorocarbon leader

Mivardi Fluorocarbon Xtra Supple

ESP Soft Ghost Fluorocarbon
Soft Fluorocarbon

Avid Carp Outline Fluoro Soft
Soft Fluorocarbon in Camouflage Color

Fox Edges Link Crimpable Illusion Fluorocarbon
Fluorocarbon Rig Material Compatible with Fox Crimp Sleeves

Gardner Invisi-Link Fluorocarbon
Fluorocarbon Leader

One More Cast BLEND Fluorocarbon Hooklink - Stiff
Stiff Fluorocarbon Leader

One More Cast BLEND Fluorocarbon Hooklink - Soft
Soft Fluorocarbon Leader

Kryston INCOGNITO Fluorocarbon

One More Cast KICKBACK Stiff Fluorocarbon
Stiff Fluorocarbon Leader

RidgeMonkey Connexion Spectre Fluorocarbon Hooklink
Fluorocarbon Leader

Korda IQ2 Extra Soft Fluorocarbon
Soft Fluorocarbon Leader IQ2

Korda IQ Fluorocarbon

Korda Boom Fluorocarbon

PB Ghost Butterfly Fluorocarbon
Fluorocarbon Leader

Fox Illusion Fluorocarbon Hooklink/Leader
Fluorocarbon material for making leaders/rigs

Carprus Clearwater Fluorocarbon

Korda Kontour Fluorcarbon Mainline

Fox Illusion Fluorocarbon Leader Clear
Fluorocarbon for making shock leaders

Fox Illusion Fluorocarbon Leader Green
Fluorocarbon leader

Fox Edges Illusion Soft Mainline
Illusion Series Fluorocarbon Main Line in Khaki Color

PB Blue Ant Fluorocarbon
Method Feeder Rig
Fluorocarbon is an advanced version of monofilament, which is a popular type of fishing line. It is mainly divided into leader fluorocarbon, used to create leaders and end rigs, and it is also available as a main line used on reels.
Its most important advantages are remarkable abrasion resistance, high specific gravity, and virtually zero visibility in water. Thanks to these features, the creation of carp rigs using fluorocarbon has become very popular and it is primarily known among carp anglers for this application.
Abrasion Resistance - An important aspect especially when fishing in technically challenging waters with an abundance of sharp rocks, fallen trees, or mussels. Fluorocarbon can be several times more resistant to abrasion than regular monofilament lines.
High Specific Gravity - As a result, fluorocarbon excellently hugs the bottom of the waterbody without spooking the feeding fish.
Low Visibility in Water - This is what sparked the major entrance of this material into the fishing market. Due to its structure, this material refracts sunlight in a way that prevents light reflections, resulting in a practically invisible material in the water, which definitely spooks fish less than standard fishing line.
Also, check out our selection of solid monofilament materials.