Lines, Braids

Gardner Trip Wire
Mono Material Dedicated for Stiff/Chod Rig Leaders

UnderCarp Baitfloss - Thread for tying boilies
Bait securing thread for rigging

Carp Spirit Riga Mortis

Fox Fluorocarbon Fused Leader 30lb
Protective Material for the Set

Korda Basix Braided Hooklink
Soft Leader Braid

ESP Super Floss
Braided Line for Tying Baits

UnderCarp Ultra Soft - Braided Leader Line
Soft Leader Braid

Fox Edges Hair Braid
Soft Braid for Hair Rig Creation

Carp Spirit Reaction Camo Braid

Korda Basix Coated Hooklink
Coated Carp Leader Braid

Gardner Stiff-Link
Stiff Mono Material

Carp Spirit Dressen-X Green Shockleader
Mono Material Throwing Stick in Green

TandemBaits Slimsilk PRO Hooklink Braid
Soft Braid Slimsilk

Trakker Zig Link
Floating line for Zig-Rig

Carp Spirit Mainline Green
Main line

UnderCarp Chod Link
Stiff Rig Material

UnderCarp Leadcore 45lb

Avid Carp Outline Zig and Floater Line
Zig-Rig Line

Fox Edges Camo Leadcore

Fox Edges Link Trans Khaki Crimpable Monofilament
Mono Material Compatible with Fox Crimp Swivel Sleeves

Fox Edges Rigidity
Rig Material

Gardner Zig Link
Zig Rig Line

Carp Spirit Dressen-X Clear Shockleader
Throwing stick made from mono material

Nash Ready Tied Unleaded Leader
Ready-made leader

Kryston Score Heavyweight Leadcore

PB Ready Made Leader
Leadcore Leader
PB Chod Mono
Mono Rig Material

Nash Ready Tied Leadcore Solid Bag Leader
Ready-made leaders designed for PVA bag setups

Carp Spirit M-TX Green
Main Line

UnderCarp Fluorocarbon

Gardner HD-Floater Clear
High-buoyancy line for surface fishing/zig rig.

Fox Zig & Floater Line - Trans Khaki
Zig Rig Line

TandemBaits Balistic MF Snag Leaders

TandemBaits Chod Stiff Mono
Rig Material

Korda Kruiser Control Liner
Floating Line

Nash NXT Zig Flo
Zig Rig Line

Carp Spirit M-TX Black
Main Line

Nash Ready Tied Leadcore Helicopter Leader
Ready-made helicopter rig

Nash Ready Tied Unleaded Solid Bag Leader
Ready-made leader dedicated for a PVA bag setup

Fox EDGES Naturals Leadcore
Fox Naturals Leadcore with Lead Core

Fox Illusion Soft Fluorocarbon
Soft fluorocarbon leader

PB Clear Skater
Zig Rig Line

Mivardi Fluorocarbon Xtra Supple

Trakker Impact Zig Line
Zig-Rig Leader Line

Korda Zig Line
Zig Rig Line

Trakker Scorpion Chod Link
Stiff hooklink material for Chod Rig rigs

Korda Kable Tight Weave Leadcore
Leadcore Cords

RidgeMonkey Connexion Stiffy Chod/Stiff Filament
Stiff Mono Hooklink Material

ESP Soft Ghost Fluorocarbon
Soft Fluorocarbon
Gardner Trickster Heavy
Trickster Heavy Braided Line

Fox Carp Mono Line
Main Line

Gardner Slinky
Slinky Throwing Stick

Nash Chod-Link
Chod Rig Line

Avid Carp Outline Fluoro Soft
Soft Fluorocarbon in Camouflage Color

Nash Ready Tied Unleaded Helicopter Leader
Ready-to-use helicopter rig set

Nash Cling-On Leadcore

Korda Mouth Trap
Mouth Trap Line

Fox Exocet PRO Tapered Leader
Inline Method Feeder

One More Cast BLEND Leadcore

Shimano Technium Invisitec
Shimano Technium Invisitec Line

Spomb Braided Leader
Method Feeder Rig

Fox Edges Link Crimpable Illusion Fluorocarbon
Fluorocarbon Rig Material Compatible with Fox Crimp Sleeves

Jetfish IMPULS Hooklengths Braid
Soft Braided Line

Strategy Pole Position CS Leadclip Leader
Ready-to-Use Rig with Coreless Leader and Safety Clip

Avid Carp Outline Camo Mono Snagleader
Mono Throwing Stick

UnderCarp Otulin Soft - Coated Hooklink Braid

Carp Spirit Camo Skin Braid

Trakker Mono Stiff Link - Green
Stiff mono hooklink material in green color

Trakker Mono Stiff Link - Clear
Stiff hooklink mono material

Mivardi Hooklink Leadcore SuperSoft Stealth

Jetfish EXPERT Hooklengths Braid

Carp Spirit Combi-Stiff Braid

Strategy Pole Position Silk Trap Soft Sinking Braid
Soft Leader Braid

PB Red Ant Snagleader
Method Feeder Rig

TandemBaits Stealth Silk Hooklink
Soft Braid

Sonik Subsonik Invisicam Snag Leader
Camouflage Mono Throwing Stick

Fox Soft Steel Fleck Camo Leader
Camouflage mono shock leader

Prologic XD Distance Mono - Hi-Viz Yellow
Prologic XD Distance casting line in Hi-Viz Yellow color

Korda SubLine Tapered Mainline
Tapered Mainline

Fox Exocet PRO Leader
Exocet Mono Fox Strzałówka

Trakker Snag Leader - Green
Mono leader in green color

Gardner Invisi-Link Fluorocarbon
Fluorocarbon Leader

TandemBaits Limpit Leadcore - Braided Line
Limpit Leadcore

One More Cast BLEND Fluorocarbon Hooklink - Stiff
Stiff Fluorocarbon Leader

One More Cast BLEND Fluorocarbon Hooklink - Soft
Soft Fluorocarbon Leader

Korda Loop Braid 20lb
Soft Leader Braid

Prologic XLNT HP Camo
Monofilament Line

Kryston MERLIN Fast Sinking Braid
Soft Leader Braid

Kryston Super Nova Braid
Soft Leader Braid

Kryston INCOGNITO Fluorocarbon

One More Cast KICKBACK Stiff Fluorocarbon
Stiff Fluorocarbon Leader

Carprus Total Crossline Cast – Green
Monofilament Line

Trakker Stiff Coated Hooklink
Stiff sheathed hooklink braid

RidgeMonkey Connexion Spectre Fluorocarbon Hooklink
Fluorocarbon Leader

Korda LongChuck Tapered Mainline - Green
Tapered Main Line in Green Color

Fox EDGES Naturals Braided Leader
Braided Leadcore from the Fox Naturals Series

Nash Trigga Link
Flexible Braided Line

Shimano Exage
Main Line

Fox Exocet PRO Double Tapered Line
Tapered Line

Fox EDGES Naturals Coretex
Coated Carp Leader Braid

Korda LongChuck Tapered Leaders
Inline Method Feeder

Fox EDGES Naturals Coretex Soft
Braided Hooklink in a Soft Coating

Korda Basix Mainline
Main Line

Korda IQ2 Extra Soft Fluorocarbon
Soft Fluorocarbon Leader IQ2

Korda IQ Fluorocarbon

Fox Reflex Camo
Soft hooklink braid

RidgeMonkey Connexion SilkFlex Soft Braid 25lb
Soft Leader Braid

Carprus Total Tapered Line
Inline Method Feeder

Fox NATURALS Copper-Core
Leader with a copper core

Trakker Mono Reel Line
Main line

Korda Boom Fluorocarbon

Korda XT Snag Leader
Monolithic Throwing Stick

Trakker Raid Braided Hooklink
Soft braided hooklink

PB Ghost Butterfly Fluorocarbon
Fluorocarbon Leader

Carprus Smooth Braid
Soft Braided Leader Line

Tandem Baits Steel Mono Fluo Yellow - Main line
Main line

Tandem Baits Steel Mono Fluo Orange Line
Main line

TandemBaits Gravity Silk Hooklink
Soft Sinking Braided Line

Trakker Lead Free Leader
Leadcore Material Without Core

Nash Skinlink Stiff

Nash Skinlink Semi-Stiff

One More Cast AMMO Braid
Soft Leader Braid

Fox Submerge Camo Leader
Lead-Free Leader

Trakker Armotexx Shock Braid
Braided material for making shock leaders

Fox EDGES Naturals Submerge Lead Free Leader
Coreless Leader from the Fox Naturals Series

Fox EDGES Naturals Soft Braid Hooklength
Soft Hooklink from the Fox Naturals Series

Korda Super Natural Braid
Soft Leader Braid

TandemBaits Stealth Silk Stripper - Braided Line
Braided Line with Sheath

Trakker Soft Coated Hooklink
Coated hooklink braid

Trakker Semi Stiff Coated Hooklink
Rig braid in semi-stiff coating

Avid Carp Captive Coated Hooklink
Braided Line with Sheath

Gardner Camflex Leadfree 45lb
Leadcore Without a Core

Tandem Baits Balistic MF Dark Brown - Monofilament Line
Balistic Line

RidgeMonkey Connexion Shock Weave Braided Shock Leader 50lb
Braided Throwing Stick

Fox Edges Camo Armadillo
Braided Line

Gardner Sure Pro Purple - Special Edition
Main Line Sure Pro Purple

Gardner PRO Main Line - Dark Blend
Main Line Gardner PRO

Gardner Sure Cast Clear
Sure Cast Mainline

Fox Illusion Fluorocarbon Hooklink/Leader
Fluorocarbon material for making leaders/rigs

Fox Naturals Splice Hooklength 50lb
Soft braided hooklink with splicing capability

Kryston Quicksilver Shock Leader
Quicksilver Throwing Stick

RidgeMonkey Rock Bottom Tungsten Coated Soft

RidgeMonkey Rock Bottom Tungsten Coated Semi Stiff

Kryston Synx Stiff Coated Braid
Coated Carp Leader Braid

Kryston Super MANTIS Coated Braid
Braided Line with Sheath

Kryston Score ZERO LeadFree Leader
Leadcore Without a Core

Gardner Sure Cast Red
Sure Cast Mainline

PB Hollow Silk Splicable Hooklink
Braided Leader for Splicing

Nash Cling-On Leader 65lb
Lead-Free Leadcore

Nash Cling-On Leader
Lead-Free Leadcore

Carprus Strip-T
Leader Braid

Fox Camotex Semi Stiff
Coated Carp Leader Braid

Fox Camotex Soft
Coated Carp Leader Braid

Fox Camotex Stiff
Coated Carp Leader Braid

Kryston Jackal
Coated Carp Leader Braid

PB Armabraid Braid
Soft Leader Braid

PB Chameleon Braid
Soft Leader Braid

PB Silk Wire
Leader with Safe Clip

PB Silk Ray Braid
Soft Braided Line

Nash ArmourLink
Sinking Braid

Carprus Clearwater Fluorocarbon

One More Cast Corefree Leadfree Leader
Coreless Leader One More Cast

PB Skinless Braid
Braided Line with Sheath

Korda N-Trap Semi Stiff
Braided Line with Sheath

Korda Kamo Coated Hooklink
Braided Line with Sheath

Korda Hybrid Stiff
Braided Line with Sheath

PB Shield Extreme Snagleader
Mono Leader Material

PB Jelly Wire Braid
Braided Line with Sheath

PB Shield Snagleader
Method Feeder Rig

PB Stretch Attack Shockleader
Elastic Rod Rest

One More Cast BLEND Coated Hooklink
Coated Carp Leader Braid

Kryston OBLIVION Super Mono Matt Camou
Main Line Oblivion
Kryston OBLIVION Super Mono Dark Silt
Main Line Oblivion

Korda CarpLine
Main Line

Prologic Density Carp Mono Mainline
Main Line

Trakker Leadcore Leader
Leadcore material with a lead core

Shimano Technium
Shimano Technium Line

Korda Dark Matter Tungsten Coated Braid
Braided Line with Sheath

Korda N-Trap Soft
Coated Carp Leader Braid

Korda Dark Matter Braided Hooklink
Soft Sinking Braided Hooklink

PB Downforce Tungsten Coated Hooklink
Soft Braid in a Heavy Sheath

Kryston Qucksilver Gold Coated Shockleader/Hooklink
Braided Line with Sheath

Korda Kable XT Extreme Leadcore
Extreme Leadcore Cords

Korda Arma-Kord
Braid - Marker Line

Korda Kontour Fluorcarbon Mainline

Korda DuraKord

RidgeMonkey Connexion CamoX Soft Coated Hooklink
Braided Line in a Soft Sheath

Gardner GT-HD Tapered
Tapered Mainline

Sonik Subsonik Mono Line Brown
Monofilament Line

Sonik Subsonik Mono Line Green
Monofilament Line

Sonik Subsonik Mono Line Clear
Monofilament Line

Sonik Subsonik Mono Line Camo
Monofilament Line

Fox Exocet Fluoro Orange Mono
Main Line

Prologic Density Distance Mono Mainline
Main Line

Korda Arma-Kord XT
Braid - Marker Line

Fox Exocet PRO Mono
Main Line

Fox Illusion Fluorocarbon Leader Clear
Fluorocarbon for making shock leaders

RidgeMonkey Transmit Spod and Marker Braid 25lb 300m

Carp Spirit Celt-2X Green
Main Line

Fox Illusion Fluorocarbon Leader Green
Fluorocarbon leader

Sonik Subsonik Spod and Marker Braid
Braid for Leaders and Markers

Fox Edges Illusion Soft Mainline
Illusion Series Fluorocarbon Main Line in Khaki Color

Gardner Stiff Ultra Skin
Braided Line in a Stiff Coating

Gardner Ultra Skin
Braided Line in a Soft Sheath

Carprus Total Shock Braid
Braided Mainline

Fox Soft Steel Fleck Camo Mono
Main line in camouflage color

Carprus Strip-X
Coated Carp Leader Braid

Trakker Spod Marker Braid
Main braid for baiting and bottom testing

Spro C-TEC Braid
Main Braid

Kryston SNYDE Super Mono Green
Mainline Snyde

Prologic Mimicry Mirage XP 1000m
Main Line

Korda Basix Spod/Marker Braid
Main Braid for Marker or Spod

Gardner GT-HD Line
Main Line

One More Cast Dancefloor Mono
Main line

Avid Carp Outline Camo Reel Line
Carp Fishing Line

Tandem Baits Stealth Steel Mono - Monofilament Line
Stealth Steel Mono Line

Jetfish ENDURO Shock Leader Braid
Hair Rig, Braided Line,

Tandem Baits Balistic MF Weedy Green - Monofilament Line
Balistic Line

Jetfish Senzor Line
Monofilament Line

RidgeMonkey Orbit Double Tapered Mono
Main Line

Korda TouchDown 1000m
Main Line

Spomb Braid Red

Nash Armourline Super Strong Mono Green
Green Armourline Monofilament Line

Nash Skyline Mono Clear
Transparent casting line

Kryston KRYSTONITE Super Mono Clear
Krystonite Mainline

Kryston KRYSTONITE Super Mono Yellow
Main Line Krystonite Yellow

Korda SubLine Ultra Touch 1000m
Main Line

Korda LongChuck Clear
Main Line

Sonik Subsonik Double Tapered Mainline
Main Line with Tapered Leader

Prologic Wrap-Up Spod & Marker Braid

Nash Armourline Super Strong Mono UV Yellow
Fishing line in yellow color with UV coating

Nash Skyline Mono UV Yellow
Skyline line in yellow with UV coating

Carp Spirit Spod & Marker Braid
Main Braid for Bottom and Marker Rigs

RidgeMonkey FluoroCast Fluoro Coated Mainline

Korda Arma-Kord Sinking
Braid - Marker Line

Tandem Baits Invader Ultra Mono - Monofilament Line

Tandem Baits - Invader Ultra Mono Line - Olive Green

Fox Exocet MK2 Spod Braid
Main Braid for the Spod Rocket

PB Hollow Kevlar Braid
Method Feeder Rig

Fox Exocet MK2 Marker Braid
Main Braid for Marker Float

PB Pangolin Leader

Sonik Subsonik Invisicam Mono
Main Line in Camouflage Color

Carprus Total Crossline V2 Brown
Monofilament Line

PB Control Mono Fluo Orange
Main Line

PB Control Mono
Main Line

PB Blue Ant Fluorocarbon
Method Feeder Rig
Fox Submerge Sinking Braided Mainline
Mainline Sinking Braid

Fox EDGES Submerge Naturals Braid
Main Braid of the Fox Naturals Series

Fox EDGES Submerge Orange Sinking Braid
Sinking main braided line in orange color

Trakker Sinking Braid Reel Line
Main braided line

Spomb X Pro Braid Grey 8+1
Main braid for spod fishing

Spomb XD Pro Braid Grey 8+1
Main braided line for spod

RidgeMonkey Descend Sinking Braid
Sinking Main Braid

Nash Spod and Marker Braid
Nash Braid

Carprus Total Spod/Marker Braid Fluo Green
Main Braid Bottom/Marker Carprus in Fluo Green Color

Avid Carp Outline Camo Braided Mainline
Main Braid

Korda Spod Braid
Braid for Spod / Marker

Sonik Subsonik Sinking Braid
Sinking Main Braid

Korda SUBbraid Mainline
Main Braid

Power Pro Super 8 Slick V2

Carp Spirit 4D Camo Braid
Main Braid

PB Products Bottom Line - Weed
Main braid with Kevlar fibers

Nash Baseline Sinking Braid CAMO
Nash mainline braid in camouflage color with sinking properties

Nash Baseline Sinking Braid UV Yellow
Nash main braid with sinking properties in yellow color with UV coating

Nash Highline Floating Braid Green
Floating main line braid Nash in camouflage color

Nash Highline Floating Braid UV Yellow
Floating mainline braid by Nash in yellow with UV coating

Korda Apex Braid Mainline
Main Braid
Carp fishing lines and braids - These are among the most fundamental components of a carp angler's gear. In this section, you will find all the lines you need to tie the perfect end tackle, create an effective rig for any conditions, cast your setup hundreds of meters away, or hurl it beyond the horizon.
The most basic classification of lines divides them into monofilaments and braids. Both have their pros and cons, which makes selecting the right type for the fishing conditions extremely important. A good monofilament line has excellent abrasion resistance, high knot strength, and low visibility in water, but it can't match braid in terms of stretch, which affects bite detection, especially when fishing at long distances with casting or bait boat delivery. A good alternative to monofilament is the recently popular fluorocarbon, whose main features are virtually zero visibility in water, low stretch, and also a significant weight. However, fluorocarbon is not suitable for long-distance casting due to its characteristics. That's why it's so important to familiarize yourself with all types of lines and choose the right one for your fishing method or conditions.
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