Carp Fishing Tackle and Rig Components

Jaxon Rubber Stops
Rubber Stoppers

UnderCarp - Bait Elastic Bands

UnderCarp - Stoppers for Boilies and Pellets
Extending Stoppers

UnderCarp - Barrel-shaped Boilie Stops

UnderCarp - Heat Shrink Tubing
Shrink Tube

UnderCarp - Quick Release Ring

UnderCarp - Teardrop Ring

UnderCarp Loop Tyer - Loop Tying Tool
Loop Knot Tying Tool

UnderCarp - Bait Floss Stoppers
Thread Stoppers for Creating Leaders

UnderCarp - Barrel Hard Stopper for Boilies
Protein Pellet Stoppers

UnderCarp - Screw-in Bait Holder

UnderCarp - Back Lead System
Sinker System for Submerging the Line

UnderCarp - Self-Locking Bead
Self-locking Bead

UnderCarp - Carp Swivel
Carp Swivel

UnderCarp - Connector for Rigs
Quick Change Rig Swivel

UnderCarp - Multi Bead
Swivel and Knot Protector Element

UnderCarp - Micro Stoppers

UnderCarp - Hook Stoppers
Hook Stoppers

UnderCarp - Oval Ring

UnderCarp - Miniature Ring

UnderCarp - Screw for Baits

UnderCarp - Knot Puller Tool
Knot Puller

UnderCarp - Buffer Bead
Buffer Bead

UnderCarp - Universal Clip
TandemBaits Pellet Stoper Pegs
Pellet Stoppers

UnderCarp - Carp Swivel with Large Eye

UnderCarp - Hook Hair Positioner
Hair Rig Positioner

UnderCarp - Hook Shank Stoppers
Hook Stoppers

TandemBaits Silicon Tube
Silicone Tube

UnderCarp - Leadcore with Universal Clip 45 lbs

Gardner Target Sinking Line Stops
TandemBaits FC Baitscrew with Oval Ring
Screw for Lures with Oval Ring

UnderCarp - Helicopter Rig Sleeve
Swivel Protector in Helicopter Rig Set

Carp Spirit Round Rings
Connecting Rings

Nash Run Clip Lead Band
Rubber Weights Securing Beads for Nash Run Clip Safety Lead Clip

UnderCarp - Rubber Connector
Tail Rubber

UnderCarp - Heli Chod Bead

UnderCarp - Helicopter Bead for Casting
UnderCarp Helicopter System Designed for Casting

Carp Spirit Net Protector
Bait Protection Netting

UnderCarp - Universal Safety Pin
Quick-Change Rig/Sinker Connector

UnderCarp - Micro Carp Swivel
Mini Swivel

UnderCarp - Hair Rigs for Baits

UnderCarp - Weighted Stoppers
M-Size Weighted Stoppers

UnderCarp - Lead Sinkers for Rig Weights
Weights for Balancing

UnderCarp - Bait Needle

UnderCarp Krimps - Collet Sleeves
Collet Sleeves

TandemBaits Miniature Ring
Miniature Rings

TandemBaits Helicopter Sleeve
Helicopter Rig Sleeve

UnderCarp - Bait Drill

UnderCarp - Bumper Bead

UnderCarp - Helicopter Bead

Carp Spirit Rig Ring Stops
Hook Shank Bead Stoppers

Carp Spirit Rolling Swivel

UnderCarp - Complete Carp Rig Set with Leadcore and Buffer Bead

TandemBaits Link Loop
Loop Rings

TandemBaits Anti-Tangle Sleeves 20mm
Anti-Tangle Sleeve

Fox Black Label Slim Tightening Tool
Black Label Element Tightening Tool

Carp Spirit Micro Rolling Swivel
Micro swivel

UnderCarp - Anti-Tangle Sleeve 25mm
UnderCarp Anti-Tangle Sleeve Short

TandemBaits Multi-Purpose Clip
Universal Rig Clips

UnderCarp Leadcore - With Double Loops
Ready-made leadcore with loops on both ends

UnderCarp - Leadcore with Quick Change Swivel 45 lbs
Leadcore with Universal Clip

UnderCarp - Screw-in Bait Holder 27mm
Screw for Bait Mounting

ESP Helicopter Rig Sleeves
Helicopter Rig Sleeve

UnderCarp - Buoyant Foam for ZIG RIG Floatation

TandemBaits Easy Clip
Easy Clip

Gardner Covert Rig Rings Oval
Oval Metal Rings

TandemBaits Tail Rubbers
Rubber Connector

UnderCarp - Clip for White Worms
White Worm Clip

UnderCarp - Anti-Tangle Sleeve 54mm
Anti Tangle Sleeve

Gardner Covert Rig Rings
Metal Rings

UnderCarp - Anti-Tangle Sleeve Hard

UnderCarp - Hook Adapter
Hook Positioner

UnderCarp - Strong Secure Clip
Safe Clip

UnderCarp - Quick Change Carp Swivel
Quick-Release Carp Swivel

UnderCarp - With Double Loops
Ready-made leadcore with loops on both ends

UnderCarp - With Double Loops
Ready-made leadcore with loops on both ends

Trakker Bait Rings
Steel Ring

UnderCarp - Complete Carp Chod Rig Set with 45 lbs Leadcore

UnderCarp - Ready-to-Use Carp Rig with Leadcore and Strong Clip

UnderCarp - Screw for Baits with a Ring

UnderCarp - Screw for Baits with Ring
Bait Screw

UnderCarp - Protein Ball Needle
Hair Rig Baiting Needle

UnderCarp - Hard Bait Needle

UnderCarp - Leadcore Needle

UnderCarp - Hook Positioner
Hook Positioner

UnderCarp - Carp Swivel with Ring
Carp Swivel with Ring

TandemBaits Silicone Bait Bands
Silicone Bait Elastic Bands

TandemBaits Safety Lead Clip
Safe Clip

TandemBaits Silicone Sleeve
Silicone Protector

UnderCarp Withy Pool - Hook Positioner
Hook Positioner

UnderCarp - Carp Swivel with PVA Clip

UnderCarp - Zig Rig Positioner

Trakker Extender Bait Stops
Bait stoppers

UnderCarp - Soft Anti-Tangle Sleeve

UnderCarp - Safe Clip
Safe Clip

Carp Spirit Quick Clip
Quick Release Connector

Carp Spirit Double Crimps
Crimp sleeves

UnderCarp - Bait Stoppers for Hair Rigging
Bait Stops for Securing Hookbait on Hair Rigs

UnderCarp - Silicone Tubing for Kwick Weights 100 cm
Undercarp Kwick Weight Retainers

UnderCarp Withy Pool - Long Hook Positioner
Long Hook Positioner

Carp Spirit Boilie Stop
Hair Rig Bait Stoppers

Carp Spirit Boilie Hair Extend
Hair Rig Bait Stoppers

Gardner Boilie Drill
Drill for making holes in boilies

Strategy Pole Position Heli/Chod Buffer Sleeve
Beaded T-Shirt for Heli/Chod Rig Setups

Gardner Hard Bait Stinger Needle
Long Needle for Mounting Hard Boilies onto PVA String/Tape

Trakker Heli Bead
Bead for helicopter rig

Carp Spirit Boilie Stop Caps
Pellet Plate Stoppers

Strategy Pole Position Black Carp Swivel
Carp Swivel

Fox Edges Splicing Needle
Leadcore Needle

UnderCarp - Swivel with Quick Change Ring
Quick Release Swivel with Ring

Fox Edges Heavy Needle
Barbless Hook

Fox Edges Gated Needle
Spring-Loaded Needle

UnderCarp - Micro Swivel with Ring for Carp Fishing
Micro Swivel with Wheel

UnderCarp - Screw-in Bait Holder with Micro Swivel

PB Hit & Run Xtra Safe Tailrubbers Leadclip

ESP Double Ring Swivels
Swivels with Double Rings

PB Silicone Tube
Silicone Tubes

UnderCarp - Carp Swivel with Two Rings
Swivel with Two Rings

Fox EDGES Naturals Leaders Silicone (1.5m)
Silicone Tubing from the Naturals Series for Leaders

Nash Silicone Sleeves Dark Silt
Silicone Protector

Tandem Baits - FC Bead Heli / Chod
Heli/Chod Bead

PB Naked Chod/Helicopter System Tapered Bead

UnderCarp - Cork for Baits
Bait Balancing Cork

Gardner Stringer Needle
Long Needle for Mounting Boilies onto PVA String/Tape

Carp Spirit Micro Rolling Swivel With Ring
Micro swivel with ring

Gardner Covert Arrow Beads
Tapered Bead for a Running Rig

Gardner Covert Hook Swivels
Carp Swivels

Korda Run Rig Rubber
Rubber Protectors

Korda Floss Caps
Bait Floss Caps/Stoppers

UnderCarp - Carp Swivel with Quick Change Snap

UnderCarp - Safe Clip with Pin
Secure Clip with Spike

Fox Edges Sticks & Stringer Needle
Long Needle with Latch for PVA

UnderCarp - Carp Fishing Heli / Chod Swivel

UnderCarp PVA Link

Carp Spirit Rolling Swivel With Ring
Swivels with Ring

Fox EDGES Naturals Tapered Bore Beads
Naturals Series Tapered Hole Beads

UnderCarp - Carp Swivel with Double Ring
Swivel with Two Rings

Strategy Pole Position Bait Stops Combi Rack
Bait Stopper Mix

Gardner Covert Silicone Swivel Sleeves
Silicone Sleeve for Swivel

Gardner Covert Sinking Hook Aligners
Hook Positioner

Carp Spirit Lead Clip Tail Rubber
Safe Clip Shirt

One More Cast Vitabitz 3mm Silicone Sleeve
Silicone Shirt

Fox EDGES Essentials Extender Stops
Essentials Series Extender Boilie Stoppers

Gardner Fine Bait Needle
Fine Needle for Small/Hard Baits

Gardner Leadcore Splicing Needle
Leadcore Splicing Needle with Latch for Threading Soft/Small Hookbaits onto Hair

Gardner Nut Drill
Nut/Hard Bait Drill

Gardner Gate Latch Needle
Baiting Needle with Latch

Carprus Swivel

PB Heli-Chod Rubber & Beads
Chod Beads

Fox CAMO Tapared Bore Beads

Nash Bore Bead

Trakker Hooklink Clinga
Weighting for the hooklink material

Fox Edges Zig Aligna Loading Tool
Zig Rig Kit

Fox EDGES Naturals Spinner Sleeves
Spinner Swivel Shirt Size 11

Fox EDGES Naturals Hook Silicone (1.5m)
Natural Series Silicone Tubing for Hooks

Fox EDGES Naturals Silicone Sleeves
Silicone Tubes 3 x 25mm Naturals Series

Fox EDGES Naturals Anti Tangle Tubing (2m)
Naturals Series Anti-Tangle Tube

UnderCarp Kickers - Positioner
Hook Positioner

Fox CAMO Naked Line Tail Rubbers

Fox CAMO Power Grip Naked Tail Rubbers

Trakker Heli Bore Bead
Bead for helicopter rig

Trakker Tapered Heli Sleeve
Tapered sleeve for helicopter rig

UnderCarp Rig Aligner - Positioner

UnderCarp - Screw for Baits with Swivel
Bait Screw

UnderCarp - PVA and Stick Needle
PVA Material Needle

UnderCarp - Zig Rig Kit

PB Sinking Rig Tube
Anti-Tangle Sleeves

Gardner Rig Glue Pen
Glue for Rigs

Mivardi MC Stringer Needle
Spring-Loaded Needle

UnderCarp - Marker Swivel

Fox Pellet Pegs
Pellet Stoppers

Fox CAMO Naked COD / Heli Buffer Sleeves

Carp Spirit QC Rig Swivel
Swivel with Quick Release and Ring

Gardner Zig Rig Foam
Floating Foam from Gardner

Fox CAMO Heli Buffer Beads

Strategy Pole Position Glow In The Dark Lipped Needle Orange
Spring-Loaded Bait Needle

Trakker Shrink Tube
Heat shrink tubing

Delphin SOFT Split-Shot Sinkers
Lead Split Shot

Fox Edges Tungsten Mainline Sinkers
Main Line Weights

Gardner Covert Tail Rubbers
Safety Rubbers for Clips

Gardner Covert Supa Shrink Tube Large 2.4mm
Heat Shrink Tubing

Gardner Drop Out Chod Safety Clips
Helicopter Rig Clip

Korda Rubber Bead
Soft Beads

Korda No-Trace Beads
Open Bead

RidgeMonkey Connexion QC Heli Ring Swivel
Swivel with Quick Change Ring

Kryston Hook Beads
Hook Shank Beads

Carp Spirit Pop Up Pegs
Screw-in Bait Holders

Trakker Heavy Latch Stick Needle
Long, strong needle with latch for PVA nets

Trakker Fused PVA Bag Drop Off Peg
Component for building a set with a PVA bag using the Drop-Off system

Kryston Hook Silicone Tubing
Silicone Tube for Hair Rig Positioning

ESP Tungsten Loaded Beads
Tungsten Weighted Bead

PB Float Stops
Line Stoppers

Fox Edges Kwick Change Swivels
Swivels with Quick Release

Fox Edges Swivels
Carp Swivels

UnderCarp - Leadcore Threading and Splicing Needle
Leadcore Splicing Needle

Fox EDGES Naturals Power Grip Naked Line Tail Rubbers Size 7
Strong T-Shirts of Safe Clips in Size 7 Naturals Series

Fox EDGES Naturals Naked Line Lead Clip Tail Rubbers Size 10
Safe Clip Shirts in Size 10 from the Naturals Series

UnderCarp - Ronnie Rig Swivel
Ronnie Rig Swivel

UnderCarp - Quick Change Swivel for Hooks
Quick Change Swivel

UnderCarp Kickers - Hook Positioner
Hook Positioner

UnderCarp - Leadcore Splicing Needle & Knot Puller Tool

Fox Edges Heavy Duty O Ring
Strong Edges Series Rings

Carp Spirit Line Aligner
Hook Positioner

Nash Lead Clip Tail Rubbers
Safe Clip T-shirts

Fishstone Slip M
Stone Weight SLIP Band

Fox Edges Zig Aligna HD Foam
Floating Foam for Zig Rig

Trakker Zig Foam
Zig-Rig Foam

Nash Plastic Bait Screw
Screws for Lures

Fishstone Fix S
Stone Weight FIX Band

Gardner Covert Mini Rig Swivels 12
Mini Swivels

Carp Spirit Heavy Lip Close Needle
Heavy-Duty Bait Needle with Latch

Carp Spirit Fine Lip Close Needle
Fine Needle with Latch for Baiting and Splicing Leadcore

TandemBaits - Fine Needle for Boilies
Boilie Needle

Gardner Covert Flexi Hook Swivels
Carp Swivels with Ring

Carp Spirit Quick Change Swivel
Swivel with Quick Release

Gardner Covert Safety Beads
Beads for Chod / Helicopter Rig Setup

Fox Edges Boilie Caps Clear
Transparent Bead Stoppers

Carp Spirit Speed Link Swivel
Speed Link Swivel with Snap

RidgeMonkey RM Tec Shrink Tube
Heat Shrink Tubing

Gardner Lo-Bore Tube Threader
Lead Weight for Pulling Lines Through Anti-Tangle Sleeves with a Small Diameter Opening

Korda Silicone Sleeves
Silicone Protectors

Carprus Heli/Chod Swivel
Helicopter/Chod Rig Swivels

Gardner Latex Bait Bands
Latex Bands for D-Rigs

Nash Maggot Clips
White Worm Clips

Trakker Buffer Bead
Bead securing the knot

Fox Edges Boilie Stops Clear
Transparent Bead Stoppers

UnderCarp - Carp Swivel with Quick Change Clip

PB Hook Bait Wrap
Bait Protection

PB Foam Set Zigligners
Set of Zig Rig Foam

PB Hit & Run Tailrubbers Leadclip
Safety Rubber Bands

Avid Carp Ringed Lead Clips

Kryston Carp Swivel
Carp Swivel

Avid Carp Boilie Screw
Plastic Screws

Gardner Covert Silicone Sleeves
Silicone Protectors

Fox Edges Flexi Ring Swivels
Swivels with Ring

TandemBaits Safety Lead Clip with Pin
Secure Clip with Spike

TandemBaits Lead Clip Heavy Duty
Strong Weight Clip

Carp Spirit Strip-Eaze Tool
Braid Stripping Tool

Korda Basix Baiting Needle
Hair Rig Baiting Needle

Fox EDGES Naturals Shrink Tube
Heat Shrink Tubing from the Naturals Series

UnderCarp - Worm Positioner
Hook Positioner

Fox EDGES Essentials Tungsten Sinkers
Essentials Series Sinkers

Gardner XL Gate Latch Needle
Long Needle for Threading PVA Materials

Trakker Rubber Bead
Rubber bead for carp rig

Trakker Buffer Sleeve
Protective Sleeve for Swivel

Avid Carp Super Grip Hook Beads
Hook Stoppers

Korda Extenda Stops
Bait Stoppers

Korda Hybrid Hair Stop
Hybrid Bait Stoppers

UnderCarp - Pellet Baiting Tool
Bait Rigging Tool

PB Shocker Beads
Bumper Bead

Nash Tungsten Sinkers

Gardner Covert Speed Links
Speed Links Quick Connectors

PB Bungy Rig Oval Ring
Oval Rig Ring

Korda Sinking Rig Tube
Anti-Tangle Sinking Tubing

UnderCarp Solid Bag System - PVA Bag Mounting
PVA Bag Fixing System in Green Color

Fox Edges Easy Splice Needle
Needle for Threading

UnderCarp - Kwick Sinkers for Weighing Down Your Rig
Lead weights

Kryston Quick Change Helicopter Swivel
Swivel with Ring and Quick Release

Kryston Rubber Beads
Soft Beads

Avid Carp PVA Links
PVA Clip

Kryston Rig Rings Round
Metal Rings

Strategy Pole Position Knot Protector Sleeve
Knot Protector

One More Cast Vitabitz Quick Links
Quick Connectors

RidgeMonkey Cork Sticks 8mm
8mm Cork Sticks

Carp Spirit Hook Rig Stops
Hook Stoppers

Gardner Covert Hook Stops
Hook Stops

Gardner Covert Rolling Swivels 8

Solar Hair Gauge Tool
Hair Length Gauge

Gardner Covert Link Lok Swivels
Carp Swivels with Quick Change Mechanism

Nash Pellet Hair Stop
Bait stoppers

Trakker Fine Latch Needle
Thin bait needle with latch

Trakker Braided Hair Needle
Needle for threading baits onto soft hair

Trakker Heavy Duty Latch Needle
Strong baiting needle with a latch

Gardner Covert Flexi Bait Screw
Screws for Lures

Trakker Bait Drill
Thin drill for boring a hole in the bait

Nash Silicone Tube
Silicone Tube

Gardner Covert Tungsten Link Sinkers

Trakker Lead Clip
Safe clip

Trakker Anti Tangle Sleeve
Anti-Tangle Sleeve

Korda High Grip Hook Bead
Long Shank Hook Stoppers

Nash Blow Out Tube
Blow Out Rig Tube

Gardner PVA Baggit
PVA Bag/Stick Loader

UnderCarp - Coreless Leadcore with Quick Change Swivel 45 lbs

Fox EDGES Naturals Run Ring Kits
Naturals Series Run Ring Sets

Fox CAMO Anti Tangle Sleeves
Anti-Tangle Sleeve

Fox Edges Kwink Change O' Ring Swivels
Quick Change Swivels

Gardner Covert Anti-Tangle Sleeves
Anti-Tangle Sleeves

Strategy Pole Position Line Aligners
Hook Positioner

Gardner Covert QC Swivel
Swivel with Quick Release

Tandem Baits PVA & Stick Needle
PVA and Stick Needle

Korda Silicone Tube
Silicone Tube

Trakker Zig Riggers
Zig-Rig Hook Positioner

Kryston Micro Swivel
Mini Carp Swivel

Strategy Pole Position QC Chod Tungsten Sleeve
Weighted T-Shirt for Quick Chod Rig Change

Fox EDGES Tungsten Anti Tangle Sleeves Micro
Weighted Anti-Tangle Micro Sleeve

Fox EDGES Rig Links And Tungsten Sleeves
Link Mounting System with Weighted Protective Sleeves

Nash Shrink Tube D-CAM
Heat Shrink Tubing

Fox EDGES CAMO Shrink Tubes
Heat-Shrink Tubing in CAMO Series

Fox Edges Micro Drill
Micro Drill Bit 1mm

Carp Spirit Lead Clip Tail Rubbers CAMO
Camouflage color safe clip sleeve

UnderCarp - 6mm Bait Balancing Drill
Drill for Making Holes for Corks in Baits

UnderCarp - Bait Balancing Drill 8mm
Drill for Making Holes for Corks in Baits

Avid Carp Swivels
Swivels Size 8

Avid Carp Anti Tangle Sleeves
Anti-Tangle Sleeves

Trakker Ring Swivel
Swivel with a ring

Trakker QC Ring Swivel
Swivel with quick link and ring

Trakker Ronnie Swivel
Swivel with ring for Ronnie Rig

Trakker Quick Change Ring Swivel (Size 11)
Swivel with Ring and Quick Link

One More Cast Vitabitz Size 8 Swivel
Carp Swivel Size 8

One More Cast Ez-Floss Refill
Ez-Floss Dispenser Refill

Carp Spirit Stick and String Needle
PVA Stringer Needle

Carp Spirit Bait Drill
Bait Drill

Carp Spirit Boilie Drill 6mm
Bait Drill

Nash Quick Change Chod Bead
Running Rig Bead

Strategy Pole Position Tungsten Putty Bar
Tungsten Putty Rig Weight

RidgeMonkey Connexion Curve Kickers
Hook Positioner

Nash Double Ring Swivel
Swivel with Two Rings

Avid Carp Line Aligner
Hook Positioner

UnderCarp Spin Doctor - Line Detaching Sinker
Lead Weight for Unwinding Twisted Fishing Line

Fox Edges Micro Rig Swivels
Micro Swivels

PB Bait Stops Stopery
Hair Rig Stoppers

Carp Spirit Quick Lock Swivel
Swivel with Quick Release

Avid Carp Corn Stops
Hair Stops

Fox Kwick Change Heli Swivels
Swivels with Quick Change Ring

Fox Edges Kwik Change Mini Hook Swivels
Quick Change Swivel

Fox Edges Kwik Change Hook Swivels
Quick Change Swivel with Ring

Carprus Quick Hair Stops
Hair Rig Bait Stoppers

PB Multi Beads Weed

Kryston Line Aligner
Hook Positioner

PB Bio-degradable Hair Stops Combi
Hair Rig Bait Stoppers

PB Hit & Run X-Safe Leadclip
Safe Clips

Strategy Pole Position Tungsten Kickers
Hook Positioner with Tungsten Addition

Strategy Pole Position Double Crimps
Crimp Sleeves

Korda Zig Anti Tangle Sleeves

Korda Shrink Tube
Heat Shrink Tubing

RidgeMonkey RM Tec Mini Stick Needle
Fluorescent PVA Baiting Needle

Korda Sinkers
Rig Weights

Korda Kickers
Hook Positioners

ESP Quick Change Uni-Links
Swivel with Ring

Strategy Pole Position Bait Wrap
Shrink Tube for Bait Protection

Fishstone Fix M
Stone Weight FIX Band

Fox Edges CAMO Safetly Lead Clip Tail Rubbers (Size 7)
Safe Clip Shirts compatible with Fox Edges CAMO Lead Clip in size 7

Fox EDGES Tungsten Beads 5mm
Weighted Beads in 5mm Size

Fox EDGES Spinner Swivel Size 11
Swivel Size 11 for Spinner Rig

Fox EDGES Essentials Rig Rings
Metal Rings by Fox

Fox CAMO Run Rig Kit

Fox EDGES Naturals Line Alignas
Natural Series Line Aligners

Fox EDGES Naturals Flippas
Natural Series Flippas Positioners

Fox Edges Marker Elastic
Flexible Distance Marker for Main Line Marking

Gardner Crimpit Crimps
Gardner Crimpit Crimp Sleeves

Avid Carp Naked Chod Beads

Korda Maggot Klip
White Worm Clips

Fox Edges Speed Links
Quick Connectors

Nash Micro Boilie Needle
Micro Needle for Boilies

Nash Hook Eye Threader
Needle for Threading

Fox Edges CAMO Powergrip Tail Rubbers (Size 7)
Strong Safety Clip Shirts Compatible with Fox Edges CAMO Lead Clip Size 7

Fox Edges CAMO Safetly Lead Clip & Pegs (Size 7)
Safe Clip with Pins from the Edges Series in Size 7 in Camouflage Color

PB Rig Rings
Metal Rings

Fox EDGES Naturals Lead Clips & Pegs Size 7
Safe Clips with Pegs from the Naturals Series

Fox EDGES Naturals Lead Clip Tail Rubbers Size 7
Safe Clip Shirts in Size 7 Naturals Series

Fox EDGES Naturals Slik Lead Clips & Pegs Size 10
Secure Naturals Series Clips with Pegs Featuring Smoothly Finished Shank / Size 10

Fox EDGES Naturals Slik Lead Clip Tail Rubbers Size 10
Safe Clip Shirts with Smooth Shank in Size 10 from the Naturals Series

Fox EDGES Naturals Power Grip Tail Rubbers Size 7
Strong T-Shirts of Safe Clips in Size 7 Naturals Series

Fox EDGES Naturals Anti Tangle Sleeves
Anti-Tangle Naturals Series T-Shirt

Fox EDGES Naturals Anti Tangle Sleeves XL
Anti-Tangle T-Shirt Size XL from the Naturals Series

UnderCarp - Line and Braid Scissors
Fishing scissors

Carprus Snag Clip Tail Rubbers
Safe Clip Rubbers

Carprus Snag Clips Rings

Carprus Shrinktube
Heat Shrink Tubing

PB Naked Chod/Helicopter System Rubber & Bead

Trakker Fused Lead Clip Ring Swivel
Safe clip with swivel and ring

Kryston Safety Lead Clip with Pin
Locking Safety Clip

RidgeMonkey Connexion Quick Change Hooklink Clip
Multifunctional Clip

Fox Edges CAMO Silk Lead Clip Tail Rubbers (Size 10)
Safe Clip Shirts Compatible with Fox Edges CAMO Silk Lead Clip Size 10

Fox Edges CAMO Slik Lead Clip & Pegs (Size 10)
Safe Clip with Pins from the Edges Series in Size 10 in Camo Color

Fox EDGES Naturals Anti Tangle Sleeves Micro
Anti-Tangle Micro Size T-Shirt from the Naturals Series

One More Cast Vitabitz Size 8 Ring Swivel
Carp Swivel Size 8 with Ring

Fox EDGES Naturals Leader Beads
Naturals Series Leadcore/Helicopter Components

Fox Edges Crimps
Crimp Sleeves

Kryston Tungsten Sinkers
Tungsten Weights

One More Cast Vitabitz Tail Rubber
Safe Clip T-shirts

Gardner Covert Corkscrew Swivels
Carp Swivel with Quick Release

Gardner Covert XT Flexi Ring Kwik Lok Swivels
Carp Swivels with Quick Change Mechanism

Gardner Covert QC Flexi Ring Swivel
Swivel with Quick Release and Ring

Gardner Covert Swivel Bait Screw
Swivel with Screw for Lures

Prologic LM 8 Shaped Rig Connector
Figure 8 Connector

RidgeMonkey Connexion Mini D-Rig Kickers
D-Loop Hook Positioner

Carp Spirit Maggot Clip
Hook for White Worms

Carp Spirit Stringer Needle
PVA String and Tape Needle

Nash Quick Change Uni Ring Swivel
Universal Swivel with Ring and Quick Release

Nash Quick Change Drop Off Inline Swivel Size 8
Quick change swivel

Nash Micro Swivel
Micro Swivel

Nash Uni Swivel
Swivel Universal

Nash Link Clips Slim
Safety Pin

PB Shrink Tube
Heat Shrink Tubing

Korda Helicopter Sleeves

PB Chod Ring Swivel
Chod Swivel with Ring

RidgeMonkey Connexion Boilie Stops Clear
Bait Stoppers

RidgeMonkey Connexion Boilie Extenders Clear
Hair Rig Bait Stoppers

Fox EDGES Tungsten Anti Tangle Sleeves Standard
Weighted Anti-Tangle Sleeves - Standard Version

Fox CAMO Tadpole Inline Inserts
Weights Inserts

Trakker Swivel

Trakker Quick Change Swivel
Swivel with quick connector

Avid Carp Quick Change Ring Swivels
Swivel with Quick Change Ring

Trakker Micro Rig Swivel
Micro swivel

Gardner Covert Tungsten Chod Beads
Weighted Beads for Chod Rig Setup

Trakker Quick Change Link
Quick connector

UnderCarp - PVA Bag Filling System
PVA Bag Filling Kit

Trakker Plastic Bait Screws
Bait Screw with Swivel

Trakker Hook Riggers
Hook aligners

Korda Super Fine Braid Needle
Needle for Baits without Latch

Korda Heavy Latch Needle
Strong Baiting Needle with Latch

Korda Splicing Needle
Leadcore Needle with Latch

Korda Braided Hair Needle
Needle for Baits without Latch

UnderCarp - D-Rig Positioner
D-Loop Hook Positioner

Korda Micro Rig Swivel
Micro Swivel

Korda Swivel Big Eye
Swivel with Large Eye

PB X-Stiff Straight Aligners

PB X-Stif Curved Aligners

Korda Shockleader Sleeves
Inserts for Inline Weights

Carp Spirit Cork Screw Swivel
Cork Screw Swivel with Quick Release

ESP Heat Shrink Tube
Heat Shrink Tubing

Gardner Covert Dual Ring Swivel
Swivel with double ring

Gardner Covert Flexi Ring Swivels
Swivel with Ring

Gardner Covert Kwik Lok Swivels 8
Carp Swivels with Quick Change Mechanism

Gardner Tube Threader
Anti-Tangle Tubing Threader

Gardner Covert C-Lok Swivels
Carp Swivels with Quick Release

Korda PTFE Double Ring Swivel
Swivel with Double Ring and Teflon Coating

Carprus Clearwater Ready Hairs
Ready-Made Rigs

Carprus Anti Tangle Sleeves
Anti-Tangle Sleeves

Fox Edges Zig Aligna Sleeve
Zig Rig Positioner

RidgeMonkey Connexion Rig Rings
Metal Rings

RidgeMonkey Connexion Flexi Ring Swivel
Swivels with Ring

RidgeMonkey Connexion Swivel
Carp Swivel

RidgeMonkey Connexion Rock Bottom Sinkers
Sinkers for Leader Materials

Carprus Micro Swivel
Micro Swivels

Korda Hybrid Tail Rubber

Korda Chod Swivel
Chod Swivel

Korda Kwik Link
Quick Change Kwik Links Clips

Korda Naked Tail Rubber
Safe Clip T-Shirts

Korda Lead Clip Quick Release
Safe Clips

Korda Tail Rubber Nano
Safe Clip Shirt for Dark Matter Nano Anti-Tangle Tubing

Nash Anti Tangle Sleeve D-Cam XL
Anti-Tangle Tube

RidgeMonkey RM Tec Night Glow Splicing Needle
Leadcore Splicing Needle

RidgeMonkey RM Tec Night Glow Lip Close Needle
Fluorescent Baiting Needle with Latch

Trakker Fused PVA Bag Stem Ring Swivel
System for PVA bag setups with a version with a small wheel

Korda Bait Drill 1mm
1mm Diameter Bait Drill

Nash Nut Drill
Nut Drill

PB Double Barrel Crimps
Collet Sleeves

Carprus Quick Change Swivel
Swivels with Quick Release

Avid Carp Titanium Bait Drill
Boilie Drill

Nash Hook Swivels
Swivels for Hook

Nash Speed Lead Clip Tail Rubber
Safe Clip T-shirts

One More Cast Vitabitz Crimps
Collet Sleeves

Nash Tungsten Oval Bead

Nash Tungsten Tubing Bead

Fox Edges Nut Drill
Nut and Boilie Drill

Strategy Pole Position Heli/Chod Leader Sleeves
Helicopter/Chod Rig Stop Beads

One More Cast Vitabitz Safety Sleeve & Run Rig System
Complete Run Rig Accessory Kit

One More Cast Vitabitz Size 8 QC Ring Swivel
Carp Swivel Size 8 with Quick Release and Ring

One More Cast Vitabitz Domed Sinkers
Leader Line Sinkers

Fishstone Slip L
Stone Weight SLIP Band

Gardner Power Gum 22 lb
Strong Elastic

ESP Bait Stick Needle
Extra Long Needle

Solar Splicing Needles
Leadcore Needles

Korda Dark Matter Kamo Leader Ring Swivel
Anti-Tangle Rig with Swivel

Korda Multi Lead Clip
Safe Korda Clip with Swivel Locking Pin

Korda Lead Clips
Safe Clips

Korda Stick Klip
Quick Change Stick Clip

Korda Ring Klip Hooklink Clip
Quick-Change Ring Clips

Carp Spirit Spinner Rig Swivel with Ring
Swivel with ring

Korda Quick Change Swivel Ring
Swivel with Ring and Quick Release Connector

Korda Spinner Ring Swivel
Swivel with Ring and Quick Release Connector

Korda Safe Zone Rubbers
Rubber Sleeves for Safety Clips

Korda Swivels Size 8
Carp Swivels

Korda Anti Tangle Hooklink Sleeves
Anti-Tangle Sleeves

Nash Quick Change Helicopter Swivel Size 8
Helicopter Swivel

Nash Ronnie Swivel Size 11
Carp Swivels

Korda Rig Rings
Matte Metal Rings

Korda KamaKote Hook Point Compound

UnderCarp Fluorocarbon Leader 45 lb

UnderCarp Kickers - Weighted Positioner
Weighted Hook Positioner

Korda Tapered Silicone Sleeves
Cone-Shaped Silicone Protectors

Strategy Pole Position QC Heavy Sinkers Bar
Pole Position Sinker Attachment

Gardner Dipstick
Bait Soak Syringe for Dipping Baits

Fox Kwik Change Pop Up Weights
Hook weights

RidgeMonkey Connexion QC Rotator Swivels
Quick Change Swivel

RidgeMonkey RM Tec QC Rotator Sleeves - Tungsten
Safety Rubber

Gardner Covert Kwick Lok Flexi Ring Swivels
Swivel with Ring and Quick Release Connector

Gardner Covert Fused Loop Leader
Ready-made Leader

Korda Solid Bag PVA Tail Rubber

Korda Heli Safe Tubing Kit
Helicopter Release Clip

Korda Line Saver Bead
Protective Knot Stoppers

Solar Strong Arm Line Clips

Fox EDGES Naturals Power Grip Lead Clips Kit Size 7
Strong Lead Clip Set Size 7 from the Naturals Series

Trakker Crimps
Crimp sleeves

Fox CAMO Safety Lead Clips Kit

Fox CAMO Power Grip Lead Clip Kit
Strong Secure Clips

Fox EDGES Essential Tungsten Line Alignas
Weighted Line Aligners

Fox EDGES Essential Tungsten Flippas
Weighted Positioners Flippas

Carprus Original Ratchet Needle
Boilie Needle

Carprus Short Spear Needle
Boilie Needle

Trakker Tungsten Tubing
Anti-tangle tube with added tungsten

Korda Link Loop

Avid Carp Bag Stem
PVA Bag Attachment System for Rigs

Avid Carp QC Bag Stem
PVA Bag Attachment System with Quick Release Mechanism

RidgeMonkey Connexion Hook Ring Stops

Nash Naked Gripping Chod Kit
Chod Rig Kit for Monofilament Line

UnderCarp - Weighted Anti-Tangle Sleeve 30mm
Weighted Anti-Tangle Sleeve, 30mm Length

RidgeMonkey RM Tec Anti Tangle Sleeves
Anti-Tangle Sleeves

RidgeMonkey Connexion Quick Change Inline Swivel
Swivel for Drop Off System

PB Downforce X-Small Naked Chod Rubber & Bead
Chod Rig Setup System

Korda Cork Sticks
Cork Sticks

PB Bait Screw 360
Screws for Boilies

PB Hit & Run Flexi Speed Run Ring
Quick Release Ring

Carprus Ring Swivel
Swivels with Ring

Fox Edges Zig Aligna Kit
Zig Rig Kit

RidgeMonkey Connexion Quick Change Swivel
Quick Change Swivel

Fox Edges Multi Tool
Multi-Purpose Tightener

Korda Hook Clip Medium
Quick Change Hook Mounting Element

Korda Pulla Tool
Knot Puller

Korda Micro Ring Swivel Bait Screw
Bait Screw

RidgeMonkey Connexion Kickers
Hook Positioner

Nash Tungsten Anti-Tangle Sleeves

Carprus Ringed Quick Change Swivel
Swivel with Quick Change Ring

Carprus Snag Clip System Silt
Safe Clip Black End Tackle Set

Carprus Rig Rings

Korda Kickers D-Rig
Hook Positioners

Fishstone Fix L
Stone Weight FIX Band

Korda Kickers D-Rig Brown
Hook aligners

Nash Tungsten Quick Change Chod Bead
Running Rig Bead

PB Ring Speed Swivel
Quick Change Swivel with Ring

PB Snail Zigligners & Foam Set
Zig Rig Kit

Gardner Covert C-Thru Sinking Rig Tube 3x 2m
Sinking Anti-Tangle Tubing in Semi-Transparent Coloring

UnderCarp - Weighted Anti-Tangle Sleeve 40mm
Weighted Anti-Tangle Sleeve, 40mm Length

PB Speed Swivel
Carp Swivel with Quick Release

Carprus Scissors
Scissors for monofilament and braid

Korda Spare Krimps
Double Barrel Crimp Sleeves

Trakker Fused Lead Clip Quick Change
Secure clip with swivel and quick connector

Carprus Ringed Micro Swivel
Micro Swivels with Ring

ESP Streamlined Controller
Surface Float

Gardner Camflex Leadcore Spliced Leader
Ready-Made Leader Made from Leadcore

ESP Tungsten Loaded Tube
Tungsten-Loaded Anti-Tangle Sleeve

Fox EDGES Naturals Tungsten Rig Tubing (2m)
Weighted Anti-Tangle Tubing from the Naturals Series

Nash Zig Screws
Zig Rig Aligners

Trakker 3 In 1 Puller Tool
3-in-1 tool for rigs

Fox EDGES Naturals Zig Lead Clip Kit
Zig Rig Clip from the Naturals Series Set

ESP Carp Controllers
Surface Float

Fox Edges Micro Scissors Braid Blades
Braid Scissors

Fox Fluorocarbon Fused Leader Kwik Change Swivel 30lb
Protective Material for the Set

Korda Unwaxed Bait Floss
Wax-Free Bait Thread

Avid Carp Lead Clip Kit
Safe Clips

RidgeMonkey Connexion D-Rig Kickers
D-Loop Hook Positioner

RidgeMonkey Connexion Rock Bottom Kickers
Hook Positioner

Nash Stealth Controller Brown
Surface Fishing Float in Brown Color

Korda PTFE Ring Swivel
Swivel with Teflon Coated Ring

PB Downforce Tungsten Short Shank Aligners
Heavy Duty Backleads

PB Downforce Tungsten Straight Aligners
Heavy Duty Backleads

PB Downforce Tungsten Curved Aligners
Heavy Duty Backleads

Carp Spirit Lead Clips Pack CAMO
Safe clip in camouflage colour

Fox EDGES Naturals Leadcore Leaders 50lb
Ready-made leader with leadcore, swivel with quick-change clip, and Naturals series sleeve.

Fox CAMO Running Safetly Clips Kit
Safe Running Rig Accessory Kit

PB Baitlip Needle & Stripper
2-in-1 - Notched Needle + Strippa

Nash Claw Cracker Bait Mesh Super Narrow Refill
Non-Dissolvable Mesh in Super Narrow Size (18mm)

Korda Lead Clip Action Pack
Complete Safety Set

RidgeMonkey RM Tec The Bait Floss
Waxed Thread for Tying Baits

Nash Zig Screws
Zig rig aligners

Nash Anti Tangle Sleeve Tungsten XL
Anti-Tangle Tube

Carprus Mouthsnagger Dragonfly Larve
Hook Positioner

Carprus Mouthsnagger Shorty
Hook Positioner

Gardner Point Doctor 2 hook Sharpener
Hook Sharpener

Carprus Crimps
Crimp Sleeves

Fox CAMO Angled Drop Off Run Ring Kit

Carprus Mouthsnagger Red
Hook Positioner

Gardner Point Doctor Hook Sharpener
Hook Sharpener

Nash Tungsten Swivel Knot Beads

Korda PTFE QC Ring Swivel
Swivel with Teflon Coated Ring

Carprus Gizmo Swivel
Gizmo Swivels

Carprus Snag Clip System Green
End Tackle Set with Safe Green Clip

Kryston Greased Lighting
Line Conditioning and Strengthening Solution

Korda COG Booms Flat Lead System
COG System

Spro C-TEC Casting Protector
Finger Guard for Casting

Fox EDGES Naturals Kwik Change Lead Clip Tubing Rigs
Ready-Made Rigs with Anti-Tangle Sleeve, Safety Clip, and Naturals Series Quick Connect

RidgeMonkey Rock Bottom Anti Tangle Sleeves
Anti-Tangle Sleeves

RidgeMonkey Connexion Hook Ring Bait Screws
Screw-in Bait Holders

Gardner CAMO Lead Coating Powder - Smooth
Powder for dyeing carp weights

Gardner CAMO Lead Coating Powder - Textured
Powder for coloring carp weights

ESP Ronnie Clips and Tungsten Sleeve
Weighted Connector for Ronnie Rig

Nash Claw Cracker Bait Protector
Heat-Shrink Bait Protector

Fox CAMO Drop Off Inline Lead Kit

Nash Hook Kickers

Nash Knot Puller New
Knot Puller

Nash Bread Bomb
Bread Clip

Korda PTFE Spinner Ring Swivels
Swivel with Ring and Quick Release with Teflon Coating

Korda PTFE Spinner Swivel XX
Swivel with Quick Release in XX (Heavy) Version with PTFE Coating

Korda Dark Matter Tungsten Anti Tangle Sleeves
Anti-Tangle Sleeves

Korda Dark Matter Swivel Leader
Anti-Tangle Rig with Swivel

Fox EDGES Naturals Zig Aligna Kit
Naturals Series Zig Rig Component Set

Korda Kable Leadcore Leader Ring Swivel 50cm
Ready-to-use Korda Kable Leadcore, 50cm in length with a swivel ring

Korda Super Wrap
Crab Protection Sleeves

Korda Finger Stall
Finger Guard

Korda Dark Matter Balancing Weights
Strategy Pole Position Weight Screw
Screw-in Weights for Floating Lures

Strategy Pole Position Grippa Inline Action Pack
Grippa Weights Pack + Drop Down Rig with Convenient Transport Block

Kryston No Tangle Gel
Braided Line Stiffening Gel

Gardner Covert Tungsten Ronnie Sleeves
Ronnie Rig Protection

Fox EDGES Naturals Submerge Leaders
Ready-to-use leader with swivel, quick-release connector and Naturals series sleeve

Fox CAMO Drop Off Heli Buffer Beads Kit
Bumper Beads

Fox EDGES Micro Tungsten Chod Bead Kit
Chod Rig Accessory Kit

UnderCarp - Conical Drill Bit for Snowman Making
UnderCarp Drill for Bore-Holing Boilies for Snowman Rigs

Korda COG Booms Distance Lead System
COG System

PB Downforce Tungsten Heli-Chod Rubber & Beads
Heavy Beads for Chod Rigs

UnderCarp - Tungsten Rig Putty

Fox EDGES Removable Flying Backleads
Quick Release Backleads for Line

Carprus Snag Clip
Safe Clip

Carprus Gizmo Speed Leader
End Tackle with Swivel

Carp Spirit Gravity Leadcore Leader with Metallic Lead Clip
Ready-Made Leader with Safety Clip

Nash Zig Screws Large
Zig Rig Components with Screw

Fox Carp Subfloats
Surface Fishing Float/Lifts Line Above Vegetation

Nash Tungsten Helicopter Top Bead Leadcore
Helicopter Rig Stopper

Nash Clin-On Tungsten Tubing
Weighted Anti-Tangle Sleeve

Carp Spirit Lead Clips Metal Pack
Safe clip with metal arm

Trakker Braid Scissors
Braid scissors

Korda Solidz PVA Leaders

Korda Chod It Tool
Chod Rig Tool

Korda Hybrid Lead Clips
Hybrid Safe Clip

PB Bait Floss Waxed
Bait Floss

Korda Kable Leadcore Leader QC Swivel 50cm
Ready-to-use Korda Kable leadcore, 50cm long with a swivel and a quick connector.

Korda Dark Matter Leader Helikopter Chod Rig
Chod Helicopter Anti-Tangle Rig Set

Korda Dark Matter Hybrid Lead Clip Leader
Anti-Tangle Rig Set with Safety Clip

One More Cast DAZZLERS Magoliner Aligner
Hook Positioners

One More Cast DAZZLERS Wormaliner Aligner
Hook Positioners

Fishstone Slip XL
Stone Weight SLIP Band

Carprus Safety Running Helicopter Rig Kit
Safe Helicopter Rig

Carp Spirit Gravity Leadcore Leader with Lead Clip
Ready-Made Leader with Safety Clip

Carp Spirit Gravity Leadcore Leader Helicopter
Ready-Made Helicopter Rig Leader

Strategy Pole Position Flat Pear Inline Action Pack
Lead Weights Pack + Drop Down Rig with Convenient Transport Block

Fox Bait Drill & Cork Sticks
Drill Bit and Plug

Fox EDGES Naturals Submerge Power Grip Lead Clips
Ready-to-Use Coreless Leader with Safe Power Grip Clip from the Naturals Series

Fox EDGES Naturals Submerge Heli Rigs
Ready-Made Coreless Helicopter Leaders - Naturals Series

Fox EDGES Naturals Leadcore Heli Rig Leader 50lb
Ready-to-use Helicopter Leader with Naturals Series Leadcore

Carprus Spinner Swivel
Ronnie Rig Swivel

Nash Claw Cracker Bait Mesh Narrow Refill
Insoluble Mesh in Narrow Size (23mm)

Fox Edges Tungsten Chod Bead Kit
Chod Rig Kit Components

PB High Speed Drill
Hard Bait Drill

Trakker Hook-Ups

Fox Edges Sliders
Backleads for Line

RidgeMonkey Spectre Fluorocarbon Uni Lead Clip Leader
Ready-Made Spectre Fluorocarbon Leader with Safe Uni Lead Clip

Carp Spirit Anti-Tangle Lead Clip Rigs
Anti-Tangle Rig Tube Set with Safety Clip

ESP Leadcore Helicopter Rigs 1m 3szt.
Helicopter Leadcore Kit

Nash Cling-On Fused Leader
Ready-made leader with swivel made from monolithic material

Korda Leadcore Leader Ring Swivel
Ready-Made Leadcore Rigs with Swivel

Korda Bait Drill 4mm
4mm Drill with a Set of Balancing Stops for Baits

Fox Power Grip Tungsten Putty
Tungsten putty

Carprus Rap-it Protection Wrap
Bait Ball Guard Against Crayfish

Nash Swivel Bait Screw
Screw-in Bait Swivels

Korda Inteligent Backleads
Smart Back Leads

Korda Dark Matter Leader QC Hybrid Clip
Anti-Tangle Rig Set with Safety Clip

Korda Dark Matter Nano Tubing
Heavy Anti-Tangle Tubing

Carp Spirit Tungsten Tube
Tungsten-Added Anti-Tangle Tube

PB Ring Bait Screw 360
Screws for Boilies

Gardner Camflex Leadfree Spliced Leader
Ready-made Leader

Prologic Downforce Tungsten Anti-Tangle Tube
Anti-Tangle Tube

Gardner Covert Clip Kit Session Pack
Accessories for Rig Assembly with Safety Clip

Nash Stealth Controller Green
Surface Fishing Float in Green Color

RidgeMonkey Connexion Uni Lead Clip
Safe Clip

Fox Edges Naturals Copper Core Leader
Leader with copper core and quick-change swivel

Korda Naked Chod System
Safe Chod Rig Setup

Korda Dark Matter Tungsten Tubing
Ultra Heavy Anti-Tangle Tubing

Korda Leadcore Chod System
Safe Chod Rig Setup

Korda Bait Drill 6mm
6mm Drill with a Set of Balancing Corkscrew Stoppers for Baits

Korda Mini Heli Safe
Safe Helicopter Rig Clip

Korda Heli Safe
Helicopter Release Clip

Nash Bolt Machine
Surface Fishing Float

Korda Kable Leadcore Leader Hybrid Lead Clip QC Swivel 50cm
Ready-made Korda Kable leadcore with a length of 50cm with a safe Hybrid Lead Clip QC Swivel

PB Tungsten Tube
Heavy Anti-Tangle Tubing

Korda Leadcore Leader Helicopter
Ready-Made Helicopter Leadcore Rigs

Korda Flying Backlead
Flying Weights

One More Cast BLEND Big Beast Fuzed Kevlar Leader
Kevlar-Enhanced Ready-Made Leader

Korda Kable Leadcore Leader Hybrid Lead Clip 50cm
Ready-Made Korda Kable Leadcore 50cm with Secure Hybrid Lead Clip

Nash Casting Glove
Casting Glove

Fox Edges Naturals Copper Core Lead Clip Leaders
Ready Rig with Safety Clip

Fox Edges Naturals Copper Core Heli Leaders
Ready-made helicopter rig with a copper core

Gardner Ultra Blades
Braid Scissors for Leader Material

Korda Dark Matter Leader Heli Safe
Ready-Made Helicopter Rig

Trakker Tungsten Rig Putty
Weighting paste

ESP Tungsten Putty
Tungsten Paste

Fox Edges Arma Mesh
Insoluble Mesh

PB R2G SR Hit & Run Weighted Chod Leader
Ready leader

Kryston Drop-Em
Braided Line Weighting Paste

Carp Spirit Tungsten Putty
Weighting Paste

PB Bait Drill 8mm+Cork Stick
Drill + Cork Sticks

Gardner Critical Mass Putty
Weighting Paste

Korda Leadcore Leader Hybrid Lead Clip QC Swivel
Ready-Made Leadcore Rigs with Safety Clip

Korda Strippa Tool
Sheath Stripper

ESP Splicing Needles
Leadcore Needles

Korda Dark Matter Action Pack

Fox Casting Finger Stall
Finger Guard

Fox Edges Carp Braid Blades XS
Braid Scissors

Strategy Pole Position Heli/Chod Action Pack
Ready-Made Helicopter/Chod Rigs

PB R2G SR Extra Safe Heli-Chod Leader
Ready-made Leader

PB R2G DF Extra Safe Heli-Chod Leader
Ready-made Leader

PB R2G SR Hit & Run Inline Insert Leader
Ready-made Leader

Solar Boilie Needle
Boilie Needle

Nash The Shrinker

RidgeMonkey RM Tec Multi Tool
5-in-1 Multi-Tool

JAG SP Vice Handle
Replacement Handle Grip

PB DT Contra-Liners
Sinkers for balancing a rig with a pop-up boilie

Fox Edges Crimp Plyers
Crimping Pliers for Crimp Sleeves

Carprus Tungset Putty
Weighting Paste

Fox Bolt Bubbles
Water Globe

Fox Zig Float Kit
Zig Rig Float

Kryston Heavy Metal Extra Tungsten Putty
Weights & Sinkers

Strategy Pole Position CS Leadclip Leader
Ready-to-Use Rig with Coreless Leader and Safety Clip

Delphin KLIX
Bait Boat Clip

JAG The Solution
Waterproof Marker

One More Cast BLEND Tungsten Tubing
Weighted Anti-Tangle Sleeve

PB The Rock Hook Sharpener
Hook Sharpener

PB Puller & Unhooking Pliers

Gardner Casting Glove
Protective Glove for Casting

Korda Kable Leadcore Leader Heli Safe 50cm
Ready-made Leadcore with Safe Helicopter Clip Heli Safe

Solar Rig Cone Tool

One More Cast Magic Wand

RidgeMonkey Rock Bottom Tungsten Putty
Lead Paste

Korda Leadcore Leader Heli Safe
Ready-Made Leadcore Sets with Heli Safe Chod System

One More Cast Magic Twig - Medium
Innovative Hook-Setting Assistance System, Medium Spring Strength

Fox Deluxe Needle Set
Needle Set

PB R2G SR Hit & Run Leadclip Leader
Ready-made Leader

Delphin MagneQUICK Quick Release Adaptor
Quick release connector

PB R2G Clip SR Leader 90/ Line Aligner Rig - Weed
Complete Carp Set

PB R2G Big Water Clip SR Leader 90/Combi Rig - Weed
Complete Carp Kit

PB R2G Inline SR Leader 90/ Line Aligner Rig - Weed
Complete Carp Fishing Kit

PB Crimping Pliers incl Cutter
Crimping Tool for Crimp Sleeves

Kryston Bogey
Floating Grain Glue

PB R2G Hollow Kevlar Looped Leader 10 meters
Ready-made shock leader with Kevlar addition

Fishstone LOOP Kit
Complete Set for Mounting Stone Weights

Korda ZigKit
Zig Rig Float

Prologic Downforce Tungsten Chod Drop Beads
Tungsten Beads

PB R2G Clip SR Leader/Ronnie Rig Stiff - Weed
Complete Carp Set

PB R2G Clip SR Leader 90/ Shot on the Hook Rig - Weed
Complete Carp Set

PB R2G Inline SR Leader 90/ Shot on the Hook Rig - Weed
Complete Carp Set

Carprus Braid Scissors
Braid Scissors

Trakker Impact Zig Float
Zig-Rig System

Fox Bait Tubs
Bait Jars - 6 Pieces

PB R2G Kevlar/SR Leadclip Knotless Leader 10m + 1m - Weed

PB R2G Kevlar/SR Inline Knotless Leader 10m Silt + 1m - Weed
Ready leader

PB R2G Clip SR Leader 90/ Shot on the Hook Overloaded Rig
Complete Carp Fishing Set

PB R2G SR Clip Leader 90/ Ronnie Hinged Stiff - Weed
Complete Carp Set

PB R2G SR Clip Leader 90 /Ronnie Rig Soft - Weed

PB R2G Inline SR Leader 90/ Shot on the Hook Overloaded Rig
Complete Carp Fishing Set

PB R2G Heli SR Leader 90/ Ronnie Rig Shot - Weed
Complete Carp Fishing Set

Nash Run Clip Zig Kit
Float Kit with Safe Zig-Rig Clip

RidgeMonkey Combi Bait Drill and Cork Sticks
Drill for Baits with Cork Sticks Set

PB R2G Bover System
Ready leader

Nash Stealth Controller Kit Brown
Surface Fishing Float Set in Brown Color

Gardner Deluxe Weed Rake
Plant Rake

RidgeMonkey Line Control Arm
Spool Holder for Bait Delivery

Carprus Line Biter

Carprus Crimp Pliers
Crimping Pliers for Sleeves

Trakker Crimp Tool
Crimp sleeve crimping tool

Nash Stealth Controller Kit Green
Surface Fishing Float Set in Green Color

Korda Mini Krimp Tool
Clamping Pliers

RidgeMonkey RM Tec Needle Set
Fluorescent Needle Set

Fox Kwik Change POP UP Weights Dispenser
Set - Leader Weights

RidgeMonkey Zyggo
Innovative System for Zig Rigging

One More Cast Rig Ready
Rod Transportation System with Mounted Rig
A comprehensive section where you'll find everything needed to construct a carp rig, as well as essential accessories such as needles, scissors, or hook sharpeners.
As every angler knows, the carp rig is one of the most critical components because it has direct contact with the fish in the water. It's therefore important to pay close attention to it, both in terms of strength and proper camouflage on the lake bed. Nowadays, the top manufacturers specialized in producing terminal tackle are offering increasingly innovative solutions that allow anglers to outsmart cunning fish, especially in heavily fished waters. It's worth investing in the highest quality accessories and components from brands like Korda, Fox, Nash, to ensure effectiveness, durability, and ease of use.
In this section, you will find: