Protein Balls » CC Moore

CcMoore ShelfLife Dumbells - Live System - 1kg
Live System Dumbells

CcMoore ShelfLife Boilies - Odyssey XXX - 1kg
Odyssey XXX Boilies

CcMoore ShelfLife Dumbells - Odyssey XXX - 1kg
Odyssey XXX Dumbells

CcMoore Shelf Life Boilies - Pacific Tuna - 1kg
Tuna Protein Balls

CcMoore ShelfLife Boilies - Live System - 1 kg
Protein Balls

CcMoore Pro-Stim Liver Boilies - 1kg

CcMoore Shelf Life Dumbells - Pacific Tuna - 1kg
Tuna Dumbell Boilies

CcMoore Session Pack - Odyssey XXX
Pellet Pack + Dip + Boilies + Pop-ups

CcMoore Shelf Life Dumbells - Pacific Tuna - 5kg - SHORT EXPIRY DATE
Tuna Dumbell Boilies

CcMoore Session Pack - Live System
Pellet Pack + Dip + Boilies + Pop-ups

CcMoore Shelf Life Dumbells - Pacific Tuna - 5kg
Tuna Dumbell Boilies

CcMoore ShelfLife Dumbells - Live System - 5kg
Live System Dumbells

CcMoore Pro-Stim Liver Boilies - 5kg

CcMoore ShelfLife Dumbells - Odyssey XXX - 5kg
Odyssey XXX Dumbells
CC Moore Protein Boilies - are English protein boilies that enjoy extraordinary respect worldwide. CC Moore offers 4 basic flavors of boilies. These boilies are made based on an entirely different approach - where the refinement and effectiveness of the mix are more important than a wide range built on the principle of changing the scent in the boilies. Available in many diameters and various packaging, in the Polish market offered as shelf life boilies (with preservative). In our Carp Shop, available since 2008!