Soluble PVA Materials » Soluble Foams

CcMoore PVA Nuggets
Soluble Foams

Gardner Dissolving Foam PVA
Soluble PVA Foam

Fox High Risers Pop-up Foam Refill Pack
Soluble PVA Foam

RidgeMonkey Disperse PVA Foam Nuggets
PVA Foam

Trakker PVA Flouro Nuggets
Dissolvable PVA foam
PVA Foam may seem like a minor component of a carp angler's gear, but many carp anglers can't imagine fishing without it. Soluble PVA Foam is made from a material that dissolves upon contact with water. It allows us to cast long Zig-Rig leaders safely and without tangles. The foam is also perfect when a slow descent of the leader after the rig touches the bottom is critical for proper presentation, for example, on soft bottoms or among aquatic vegetation.
Most commonly, PVA foam is white, but there are also multi-colored foams available on the market. The color of the foam is useful when you want to ensure that it has released from the rig or hook since it floats to the surface after a while - making it easier to spot.
PVA Foam sticks well to various rig components, such as Zig-Rig floats, after a light moistening, so no additional glue or other soluble materials are required for its attachment.
Also, check out the range of soluble nets and soluble bags PVA, which will definitely enhance the effectiveness of your fishing!